About Us

About Us

Unlike many businesses, we don’t skimp on technology. Our entire staff has access to online tools that enable us to diagnose and service your car more accurately with quality and efficiency.

Vital Kotok is a Certified Auto Specialist for quality car auto parts, striving to deliver the best for your automobile. We are a team of five specialists, diverse in speed, working by leveraging the technology behind recycling and control arms for cars to provide the best customer experience possible. Our aim is to work in collaboration with various car service stations to offer quality with guarantees and satisfaction.

1 Problem: When the factories have made the melting of control arms for cars, they throw to the atmosphere 400 000 tons of heavy metals and connected metal oxides.It pollutes the environment on the planet.

2 Vital Kotok makes this process clear for the ecology of the planet.

About Us

16 years old when I was student of Electrical college! This time I was develop my technical invent to make good Cub to truck to do good health to the people as driver!


Company Summary

Kotok does the company management. Katok plans to invite itself to the aid of about 5 good specialists, diversely, for speed! We have protection for the technology behind recycling and control arms for cars. The company will aim to work with all car service stations where our control arms accumulate. After control arms regeneration for cars goes for implementation, at that car service station.

My father's Dream

He was open to me in many ways of engineering! And I am developing these many skills so I make too many different technical projects! For a long time, I was working to invent technology and an anti-missile defense equipment complex! It is a new way in the World. I was combining many different industries for it. Therefore I show on-site my technical project as recycling control arms for cars for example my work!

In my country, I built a factory to produce recycling for control arms for cars 7 years ago. I want to see my site as a place to found to people to develop my technical projects. Please think about how best to make the design and description on this site so that I can find partners to develop it. I want to build to the factory to produce nice trucks in USA, where I have good innovation my technical invent

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